About Us
The Smart City Infra Developers provides high standard plots, layouts & townships. We give utmost priority to our customer’s satisfaction and never compromise on quality. We understand your desires thus we build hopes, beauty and comfort.
Smart City Infra Developers is a name that has been trusted over the years owing to the many lives we have transformed across Karnataka, My it be Kotegangur, VirupinaKoppa, SriRampura, Nidige ,Purle & Davengere District.
Built on tradition and exceptional dedication to innovation, Smart City Infr Developers always strives to provide an un Wavering Commitment and excellance to all the clients. May it be in Kotegangur, Virupinakoppa, SriRampur, Nidige, Purle.Bommanakatte.
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Smart City Infra Developers
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Smart City Infra Developers
91 9620 585890
Address: 1st Floor, B.K Nayaka Arcade, Above Cycle Loka & Vandana Bakery, Savlanaga Road, Shivamogga 577201, Karnataka State, South India.